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Steve he knew 

You are 100% right.. however, there is another way to look at it. If we don't run with suspicions, the truth may never be uncovered. Its important to continue to question certain things. 

Bob knew to at least some  degree what happened . He most bare some guilt .

Exactly. He knows. Others, don't fool yourselves.

We will never know for sure who was behind this fraud, be it Bob Dylan himself (I still very much doubt this)  or whether it was just his management team or whether it was solely the  CEO's at Simon and Schuster or if it was all of them in it together?,

I couldn't imagine Bob sitting there with an Autopen machine...... but any of the others listed above ? They could have easily copied his signature from photo copies or photos easily available online

If he hasn't already I  hope Dylan is informed of this and sacks his entire management team and the owners of National Amusements find out and Sack both Jonathan Karp and Suzanne Baboneau as they are neck deep in this and their actions were so unbelievable and has brought their company into disrepute, even going to the lengths of signing a letter of authenticity FFS,

Anybody that tries this stunt once, let alone twice does not deserve to be / and cannot be in charge of an online business where they could be planning their very next autopen scam - and certainly do not deserve to be the CEO !.

I still think National Amusements need to be informed of this, as there should be an investigation by somebody  as they have got away with it to a certain degree. 

Indeed I hope Penguin find out and pull out of their proposed deal and Simon and Schuster receive so much bad press over this that book dealers and shops even stop dealing with them - I would imagine Coles and Premiere Collectibles Management will have second thoughts about stocking anything they release! 

Well that's my final rant over this whole sorry episode ! Let's hope others take heed from this until at least 2023.....

A couple of people have now questioned the authenticity of his signature on prints. Is anyone going to look into that further?

Really that would be beyond the pale but if you believe that there is a lot of chicanery in publishing then what passes for the norm in the art-world would probably blow your mind.

People have pointed out the smooth flow of the pencil as these not being machine signed.

One thing that crossed my mind, what if Dylan/ the gallery has been using a ghost signer? Someone from the inner circle? It's not that difficult to become an expert in one specific autograph. Bob Dylan is rare to get in person, so there are not many examplars that are 100% without any doubt signed by him.

Yeah like I said somewhere on here, the art print sigs always seemed weird to me (and I own one). I believe they are real for the moment (not autopen due to flow) and they do have characteristics of his actual sig, but would be fairly easy for someone to master as Jor-El said.

He usually does the straight Y on most of the apparently legit sigs I’ve seen- the Nobel books, the Lyrics books, the Temptest CDs, the albums from Nate Sanders with LOA from his manager, the Chumlee autograph). I personally like the straight Y better and was always disappointed that most of the art prints have the fancy Y. I’ve always just accepted that it’s different but the fact that it’s different has also been slightly concerning.

It’s weird because he’s signing thousands of the art prints and seems like it would take longer to do the fancy Y. I understand he may want a nice sig on them but still, in light of everything….I wonder what Castle Fine Art is relying on when they say hand-signed.

I’m still not happy. I want Bob Dylan and his team of hack frauds to apologize.

I presume they are all digital prints and signed in pencil?

Are there any lithographs, offset prints or etchings?

They’re all pencil sigs from what I’ve seen through the years…and I’m not sure- I think digital prints or lithos? I’d have to rely on someone else to chime in there. 

They are mostly giclée prints.  A few of the pricier ones are silkscreens.


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