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Thank you, President Biden, for your 52 Years of Service to all Americans.

Available from Selfridges Corner Shop this Friday - not clear if they’ll be on the website also but assuming this is London in store only

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I see, didn't catch that. I like being proven wrong, and I apologise if that's the case. 

It’s all good Dan 

No drama intended, sorry you took it that way. Sweet dreams. 

I thought this was BS... Save yourselves the trip. They're all gone indeed.

There's no queue. Just a handful of miserable flippers - that are probably homeless anyway - nervously hovering around. This vinyl will keep them going for a few days, you have to respect their commitment. Being how they are, they will try to return to the store a few times throughout the morning pretending to be a different person. The staff at this store is very clever, so don't worry.

How much were they at the store? Just curious, sorry if I missed. 

£29.99 just the price of the vinyl 

Oh ok, thanks…very nice, was wondering if it was like that or if they marked them up at all 

I thought the store opens at 10?

The signatures aren’t very nice on those EBay ones are they?

Yes it is a bit underwhelming.

nope pretty bad signatures and the marker doesn’t even look sharp 


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