James Bond Study Guide Complete- 44 pages, all Bonds

Hi All,

Here is my 44 page study guide covering all the James Bond actors including 15 pages on the elusive Connery. I’ve been working on it for a few years and it reflects a lot of study, revision and learning. 

It covers: Craig, Connery, Dalton, Moore, Brosnan and Lazenby.

I hope it is helpful for you guys!

I see this as an evolving document. Ive done my best, but Im only human :)  if you feel Ive made mistake let me know. It's all about making this as useful and accurate for everyone as possible. I should also note that I’m not a professional or anything, just a fan trying to help other fans and so this does represent my opinions only.



Tags: Bond, Brosnan, Connery, Craig, Dalton, Daniel, George, James, Lazenby, Moore, More…Pierce, Roger, Sean, Timothy

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Well done, TQ. You've created an outstanding body of work. 

Thanks man! 

Hello TQ,

an amazing and very helpful work! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Excellent :-) Just great!

And ready in-time for Sir Sean's 90th birthday :-)

Kind regards


PS: What are your thoughts about b'bc https://www.bondcollectibles.de? I am thinking about buying from there...

Hey Markus, 

Thanks mate!

I would advise caution with that seller and run any signatures you’re thinking about from them past this group.


Hi TQ, 
that is a very helpfull comment. the catawiki auction plattform is full of bond-related autographs, which come with a b´bc COA. 
The COA is never directely related to the autograph. only a code and the name of signer are on the COA. I was very surprised finding several COAs with the same code ... I asked him, and he told me this is because of the purchaise date... (???)

I avoid anything which comes with the b´bc COA.


Wow... fantastic job, TQ. Signatures I do not know, but the design and thoroughness of the study is to be applauded. 

Thanks Steve!

That is an amazing James Bond signature study, TQ.  I was very happy to see my Sean Connery autograph on page 12.  Well done.

Thanks Mike, oops sorry I didn’t run it past you first- i got a bit overloaded with exemplars of the years. A great signature! Cheers 

TQ, I notice the lower right vintage Sean Connery signature on page 5 is mine. I do believe that it is a nice early example. Funny thing is that it was removed by eBay when I had it listed there. I guess the "eBay experts" are not as smart as they seem.

I know I will refer and recommend this James Bond signature study to everyone who seeks knowledge on this specific topic. 

Hey Joe, yep I know that one well. It’s a beautiful vintage signature. I almost bought it myself some years ago. Congrats!

What a brilliant work! It is amazing and shows so many variations. 
I just had a close look at this work, but I am speechless...

thanks for sharing!!
great job.
best wishes, 


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