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Michael Jackson drawings (Miscell inc. 'Historic portraits' and 'Disney characters')

I'm noticing a sudden influx of MJ signed Michael Jackson drawings coming on to the auction market, which seem to share the common themes of either 'portraits of historical figures'  or 'Disney characters'.

Both of these themes are of course recognised from Michaels' drawings both at a young age and later in life, but it is interesting that so many new drawings are being released on to the market at the same time. 

Here are some current examples:


Tags: Michael, disney, forgery, jackson, parr, portraits

Views: 102070

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Happy New Year to all and God Bless

I hate when people get on Mr. Williams for not putting on his professor hat and making videos where he goes into detail and teaches people how to tell certain forgeries. 

1) He doesn't have the time for that and that's not his job.

2) If you really want to know, do what everyone else does. Spend the time to train your eyes. Most people in the hobby have spent decades learning how to spot forgeries.

3) Why would he want to give forgers any ideas to perfect their craft? 

4) Use common sense when buying. If a deal is too good, then it probably is. Common sense is lacking in the hobby, much like it is in this country.

Thank you, Dom.

When I first started doing what I do over a decade ago I stated "That I don't do this to educate.  I simply expose sellers of forgeries."

In private, I have probably educated and helped hundreds, but never in public.

I commented here because of the lynch mob conversation towards Roger bothered me.

I found it uncalled for.  

It also bothers me when collectors don't take responsibility for their purchases when something goes awry later on.

Exactly. Go over to the 3rd parties and ask why they failed a certain autograph and demand they go into detail. They won't do it. They don't want to give any secrets away to the forgers. Every time  I would watch one of your videos you would say that "you are exposing." That is what you did and us collectors thank you for that and hope one day you'll return. 

Keep wishing it and perhaps it will become true Mike.

You and your word are an absolute joke.  PAAS Authentication is an even bigger joke to anyone who can google.

Before you came back here on your knees, and kissed the ring, and begged forgiveness, no one in this hobby would give you the time of day.

You are beyond pathetic.  google PAAS kids.

But Roger won't say what he authenticated or not, or will. How long has it been since he chimed in. 

But he's always quick to respond when besmirching others.

Oh, I see we're now in the kiss each others ass mode, Mike, Chris and Dom.

You guys are great and brilliant, and have fun in your circle jerk.

These are forgeries, Epperson knew it and probably consigned them, he helped rip off honest people, and you're okay with that.

I'm done with you a*******.

Happy New Year,


Its okay to argue your point but you don't have any class.

When I want your opinion Ian, I'll pay Roger for it. Your fine with people getting ripped off. Good for you.

The below comment was inevitable and predictable.


No profanity here please.

If you're going to make all these accusations, how about having the guts to use your real name?

You are required to use it, because you said the other day that you hosted collectors shows, which makes you an industry professional, even though you call yourself a collector in your profile.

Each profile says it:

What kind of member are you? Industry professionals must use their real names and identify themselves as such. (You don't have to pick just one!)

So tell us your real name, and change it in your settings.

"Jeffects" Im a 55 year old 30 year collector and drink no kool aid . My name is real down to the middle initial Arthur. I think Roger made a mistake here and on the Pink Floyd thread I don't like that one either. But its pretty obvious your just here to attack and stir things up. I wont be a part of it . I only post on this website to help when I can and above all to keep people from getting ripped off.         PS  HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!

Just out of curiosity, because I really don't know Steve.

If this turns out to be a larger scam than what it looks like on the fore front here (which I believe goes a bit deeper) do any of the TPA's ever revoke the authentication they've given an item if its found to be fraudulent?   And what is the process to do so?



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