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I really don't want this to turn into a political debate. That is not my intention.

I'm just wondering whether anyone who has recently purchased a Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton autograph is concerned what affect a win or loss in next week's presidential election will have upon their recent purchase.

Okay...now obviously the autograph of whoever wins the election will immediately increase in value. It will then become a President's autograph.

I think in the last month or so, with Clinton seemingly having the wind at her back, the price of her autograph has been going up on eBay with the anticipation of her becoming the first female President.

But not so fast. The decision of FBI Director Comey to go public with the reopening of "email-gate" has now made Clinton's path to the White House far from clear.

Has anyone who purchased a Hillary autograph within the last month or so begun to think they may have overpaid?

And what about Trump buyers?

It's kind of an interesting topic...at least to me. But let's try keep it polite.

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My book turned out to be a good investment for $24. :-)  

Well done!
He smashed her!
That's funny Paul. Hillary won the vote of the people. About 300,000 more people voted for her than Trump. Just sayin'.

I'm just stating facts that's all. The election is actually not official yet. On December 19th, the Electors of the Electoral College will meet. In 24 states, they are not required to vote the way their state did. Because Hillary won the popular vote, the Electors in those 24 states could legally all cast their votes for Hillary, and she would win the election and become President. In most of the other 26 states, the Electors can still go against their state vote tally by simply paying a small fine.

So...though not likely to happen, if the Electors decide that the will of the people should not be denied, Hillary could still become America's 45th President.

Thus, Hillary's autograph value could still make a comeback.
Premiere Collectibles just listed remaining copies of Crippled America for $500.

What about the schlubs that paid big bucks for HRC in the past few weeks thinking it was a sure thing? Lol
Will trump be charged with sexual assault?
It's a shame really. She was elected President by the people. She got more votes than Trump. But with our completely absurd Electoral College system, she is denied the presidency that she rightfully won. I don't care whether it's a Republican or a Democrat...whoever wins the popular vote should be President. And if this had happened twice to the Republicans, they'd be screaming bloody murder. No other democracy has such a ridiculous system as ours. Maybe someday we will be a democracy.
I'm not trying to be political. I would feel the same way no matter who won the popular vote.

But as for prices, yes indeed, many sellers have dropped their prices for her books from $300+ to $100 and less.
If you researched the history and reasoning of the electoral system, you wouldn't think it is absurd.
Well regardless, Trump is in fact our President (or soon will be), and I wish him all the success in the world. In fact, I agree with him on some things, and I hope he does a good job. I believe he is a very intelligent man.

Just checked, it is up to $750 now at Premiere Collectibles

I do not know if it is a generational thing or what but as a Baby Boomer that started collecting in the 1970s I never thought about it as an investment.  Was I happy to get some autographs very cheap...sure...but have also paid absurdly high prices some rare obscure character actors that I would lose big time if I sold today.  I do not want to discourage anyone from investing in autographs but the crystal ball is often very cloudy.  Granted political and historical autographs is perhaps one of the safer areas. Tastes in entertainment and sports change.  If you have money to gamble autographs is probably better than the horses.  The rule should be if you cannot afford to throw away the autograph you buy as an investment you probably shouldn't buy it at all.    Of course I am not speaking about people that buy and sell autographs for a living.  There are lots of my generation that do that and I am glad of it.  For an investment I still do not understand buying an autograph of a person you do not like just because it might be worth something down the road.  Everyone has a right to buy (or vote for) whomever they choose I just don't have to join them in doing so. 

Nicely worded, Scott.p.
The stock market is a yo yo and so are autograph prices. My kids can have mine when their adults if they behave themselves.


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