Indigo - Bob Dylan Possible Autopen Material for - THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG: SIGNED EDITION

I want to create a separate thread for this so all photos and video can be easily accessible. We can share this link Directly with Indigo and the publisher, possibly even Bob Dylan himself, so this is easy to find for everyone and not lost within hundreds of comments

This all started from someone located in Waterloo Ontario, they were able to pick up their order, presumably from the Indigo store in Waterloo, much earlier than the November 1st release date. For our benefit, they posted what they received on the group titled "historical autographs" located on Facebook. This does not appear to be a hoax. Ive researched every aspect and find it unlikely, but still can't be ruled out.

Please direct Indigo to both this thread and the thread with hundreds of posts located here

We need to absolutely show how strong we are as a community. If these are in fact yet another autopen, we all need to make a stand with the publishers, retailers, and celebrities who feel can get away with this. Its a huge slap in the face when all 3 constantly assume we are too uneducated to realize what's going on.. hopefully publishers will take notice with an item of this magnitude and figure out that autopen use is no longer a viable option. There are many on here who dream of one day owning a Bob Dylan autograph. This most likely is my last chance to make that happen. If I receive an autopen after spending $600, I will be heartbroken regardless if we can return for refunds or not.

Here are the 4 parts to the video followed by the photos





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I Have Just e mailed this to the Publishers asking for their views and to whether they are aware that Indigo were selling these at $799.99 CAD last week and asked whether they are truly Signed by Bob Dylan and for definitive proof or to find out - as if they are not it will not look very good on the publishers or Indigo - some companies may think they can get away with doing this - if it does turn out to be autopenned but come on this is a near £500.00 book plus overseas buyers (me and many others) will probably be stung with additional import charges / handling fees....

Can everybody else e mail them too - links are below

Thanks for putting everything here, including the video…appreciate your diligence in trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on.

Just watched video for first time…sadly have to say video looks legit to me but understand concerns with only the one copy being out so far. I’ll definitely be reaching out to indigo today. 

Just a bump to keep this page fresh for everyone contacting Indigo among others. I may do this a few times in the next day or 2 until everyone has had the chance to use this link with their communications 

Just received a cancellation from Indigo - gutted!


Thank you for your recent Indigo order for THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG: SIGNED EDITION (9780063224018)

We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to fulfill your order and you will be receiving a cancellation notice shortly.The publisher and artist have decided to shift directions with this limited signed edition. It has been cancelled for sale at Indigo and will not be available through any North American retailer at this moment.
We try never to cancel, and instances where we can't fulfill an order are rare.  We know this is disappointing news and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

We wanted to give our customers as much notice as possible about this cancellation, so that you are able to make alternate arrangements. The regular edition of The Philosophy of Modern Song is available to order if you're interested.

Please note, if your order was paid entirely with credit card or through PayPal, you have not been billed. If you paid by Visa Debit, Gift Card or plum points you will be refunded..

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email and we'll be happy to help.

Thank you for choosing Indigo.

Kind Regards,
Indigo Customer Service

"The publisher and artist have decided to shift directions with this limited signed edition."

If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is. This is all on S&S/Dylan.

Agree 100%

Just received the same message.

Good work everyone!

Sounds like Indigo wanted nothing to do with this deception.  Might be appropriate to drop them another message expressing appreciation for their integrity if that turns out to be the case. 

Received reply from Indigo president from email I sent earlier today. Attached is screengrab.

They cancelled my order as well -- but they did NOT cancel the Plum membership fee which is still showing up on my credit card account. I'm sure many of us only joined to get the discount on the Dylan books. I wrote to them about this -- waiting to hear back.  Otherwise I will dispute the charge with my credit card company. 

Turned out to be a classic case of "Too Good to be True" to get a Dylan autograph that cheap as these are clearly autopen. At least Indigo did the right thing when they found out. 

Great work folks.  Glad to see that people won't be duped.  Given that Bob continues to charge exorbitant prices to listen to him phone in performances of songs few wish to hear, this $ grab isn't a surprise.

Just wanted to add this here. This is the direct email address for the person working for the publisher who put her name on the letter supposedly issued for the 99 copies sold at Coles UK

Suzanne Baboneau, Managing Director


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