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Live on their website!  Good luck everyone!

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I was just seconds away earlier. I still have one in my UK cart that sold out before I could check out. 

I've noticed a lot of record stores are going to hold free listening parties. I emailed a few to see if they will have signed cds available for purchase the day of. Hoping to hear back from some tomorrow. 

The good news is, they seem to have released a bunch of these overall. I see warner Australia had some at one point along with signed bundles as well. This means the current $200 price tag on eBay should come down once the resellers flood the market, but im hoping another retail option pops up still. 

Woke up in the uk and all gone..why would they drop it a 5 in the morning. Gutted.

Agreed - especially as UK orders shipping to the US won’t be eligible for the charts!

Damn missed it 

daaang. Not a good release time for east coast. Hopefully more drop

Does anyone have a Canadian address I could use? I managed to score on the Canada store thanks to the post on reddit but my order got cancelled, guess they check forwarding addresses..

Back in stock now!!!! For US!!!!

Thank you

still there! I'd say hurry

$7.99 shipping and then tax

Thank you  snoopyxbryan !

Got one! Nice way to start off 2024 !

No worries!!! I love this community and I know you guys would do the same!!! Much Love!!!

sold out again


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