Hey everyone, I've received great advice from this site before and am hoping for a couple opinions.
Picked up this Williams ball the other day. Some research I found said Gallen Certs were good/reliable and was curious on what everyone thinks about it.
Also, this Mantle photo has been in my room since I was a kid. Only recently did I take a closer look and see the "chugging" throughout the sig. Any thoughts on the signature itself and/or the COA?

Thanks for taking a look and taking the time to leave your opinion! Greatly appreciated!

Tags: Mantle, Mickey, Ted, Williams

Views: 1093

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Here is another of the ball and the Mantle.
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The Mantle has all the characteristics of an Autopen. I believe it is machine signed.
Thanks. That makes sense with the hard stops at the M's, y and e.

Any idea about the ball?
I'm not as strong on Williams as Mantle. My initial reaction is that the Williams is good, but hopefully someone else can weigh in on it.
Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to offer your opinion!
Last one. Mantle cert.

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Certs just don't mean anything. Even if the cert is from somebody reputable, they are easily faked and who is the tell of that cert was originally associated with that item? Scoreboard, as an example, sold tons of authentic autographs, including Mantle, in the 1990s. But there was nothing that linked the item to the certificate. Nore were the certs difficult to reproduce. I have seen many forgeries with Scoreboard certs. Even if the cert was real, the autograph wasn't.

Btw, I think the Williams is good. I'm no expert. Others here no much more than me. But it doesn't strike me as a forgery on a few of the characteristics I have learned to watch out for.
Completely agree with the point on certs. Even seen plenty of Gallen certs with the number blank too.
I too am an amateur with signatures but nothing stood out to me that the Williams was fake so I took an chance since it was relatively cheap.
Thanks for commenting!

The Williams ball looks good to me. As for the Mantle, I'd have to agree with the autopen conclusion. You can see the machine stuttering through the signature.

As others have pointed out COAs are worthless especially when they're not tied to a major TPA.

Is that seal on the Mantle COA flat or an actual separate seal on top of the COA? It certainly looks like a photocopy job.


The MLB seal is photocopied. The grand slam marketing is a separate seal from what I can remember (pic still at the parents house).

Mantle could also be a forger's first attempt. I have the same photo (if yours is 8x10) and the signature looks like a forgery with stop, start points. Yours is much more hesitant. Possibly yours was the first few attempts and he got a little better by time he got to mine. Because it does appear same person signed both.

Yup, it's an 8x10. Never really looked hard at it until this summer when I was home and saw all the stutters and hard stop marks which made my heart sink.


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