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Do you think there's a difference between the "signed photo" from the Deluxe vs "signed print" in the bundles? 

It looks like the lp cover but you never know with these pre orders

Not sure if this was ever OOS but just in case I saw that it's in stock now at Amazon UK

It has been in stock at amazon UK for months. I keep checking hoping it will sell out, cos it makes me worry about how many he is 'signing' and the quality of the 'graph. Same with amazon and Mr. Marr?

It literally can't be worse than the last one he did unless he signs it with his feet.

To make autograph signing easier in 2017 he changed his legal name to Bwmmmn Nmmmww by deed poll.

These now also ship outside the UK! You can change the shipping address on an existing order.

How many of these is he signing? The poor guy will never be able to play guitar again, his hand will be like a withered claw.

Well, I see that Amazon has now added a mock-up (not that these are ever reliable) and is definitely describing it as a ‘signed insert’ which is a positive atleast. Unless they’re meaning an inserted art card…

Take a look at his Facebook page where there is a video of him signing for Amazon. They are definitely art cards, not booklets.

Last amazon signed cd was numbered to 2200. Maybe those will be numbered too, although I doubt it if he signed 10k :)

5 Signed 12" LP's Just put up on banquet - be Quick !


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