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Josh Board's Blog (611)

Al Pacino, Al Pacino Al Pacino -- Signing Autographs, Throwing Pens

I guess that title is a pit deceptive. It wasn't like Pacino was throwing pens in anger. He was just being funny and having a good time.

On TMZ last night, I saw him in an airport in New York, and he was signing up a storm. One reporter asks him the secret of looking so young and he replies "Keeping quiet."

Anyone that's ever gotten Pacino, knows the autograph is really just a round scribble. But hey -- he's one of the best actors of all-time, and he signs.…


Added by Josh Board on April 21, 2010 at 1:08am — 1 Comment

Marilyn Monroe X-Rays

I remember going into the San Diego Sports Hall of Fame in Balboa Park 15 years ago, and seeing the X-rays of Muhammid Ali's broken jaw. It was broken by San Diego's own boxing champ -- Ken Norton, a former Marine stationed in Camp Pendleton.

I always thought having that signed by both boxers would be a cool piece to add to my collection.

Imagine my surprise when I saw an X-ray hit the auction circuit.

It's from 1954, and it's of Marilyn Monroe's…


Added by Josh Board on April 19, 2010 at 1:36am — No Comments

McLovin on McSigning Autographs

Actor Christopher Mintz (who probably hates everyone yelling "Hey McLovin!") was in Superbad, and that scored him a role in Role Models (a very disappointing comedy).

I just saw him in the movie Kick-Ass (you can read my full review on SanDiego.com).

Well, he was on Jimmy Kimmel to promote it. He talked about being at a restaurant and trying to impress his friends by sending a bottle of champagne to some older women. They sent it back and he felt foolish. As…


Added by Josh Board on April 16, 2010 at 1:32am — 1 Comment

Family Guy and Jack Nicholson Autograph Stories

Family Guy is certainly an acquired taste. One I acquired years ago.

So, the show isn't for everyone.

On an episode I recorded from a few days ago, Stewie (the evil genius baby), designs a machine to bring the cast of Star Trek into his home. He then goes on adventures with them.

It all stemmed from him going to a Star Trek convention and trying to get Patrick Stewart to autograph his picture. Someone asked him why he didn't want William Shatners…


Added by Josh Board on April 13, 2010 at 10:24am — No Comments

TMZ Shows Autographs From Tiger to Connery

I've been catching up on all the TMZs from this week.

They showed Sean Connery signing autographs as he left his home, but he was yelling and snapping at everyone as he did it. At one point he asked for people not to shove things in his face. Another time he said "Get that bunny out of here." Nobody had a clue what he meant by that.

They reported Tiger Woods signing lots of autographs at the golf tournament, something he hadn't done in the past. The TMZ staff…


Added by Josh Board on April 8, 2010 at 9:44pm — 1 Comment

Hockey Memorabilia

A hockey puck from the overtime gold-medal game between the U.S. and Canada at the Vancouver Olympics, now belongs to a cat in Ohio. He paid $13,088 for it.

Sidney Crosby's jersey, from a game Team Canada had against Switzerland, went for a bit more -- $35,034.

Even trays were big sellers. One that the medals were presented to the gold-medal winning women's hockey team, went for just under five grand.

The Vancouver Olympic Organization Committee…


Added by Josh Board on April 8, 2010 at 3:23pm — No Comments

San Diego Autograph Things -- Black Eyed Peas and David Wells

The Black Eyed Peas played the Sports Arena on Saturday night. The big story with them and San Diego is one time at a Street Scene festival, she wet her pants. Security wouldn't let her into a certain area because she didn't have her backstage pass, and I guess, that was the area with the bathrooms (you can Google and find the concert photos -- they're hysterical).

I'm not the biggest fan of the band, and wasn't at the show. But apparently, an autograph was given out. The…


Added by Josh Board on April 5, 2010 at 7:05pm — No Comments

Do You Sign Autographs at a Hit-and-Run? (Dwight Gooden, of course)

Retired Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden was always getting into trouble. I'd list the things he did, but it would be pages and pages long.

I'll give you the latest, though.

The 45-year-old was driving under the influence of drugs with his 5-year-old child in the car.

And what time do you think it was? Well, it was 9:00 a.m., the time when most of us our doing the liquid drugs they serve up at Starbucks.

He was not only on drugs, but…


Added by Josh Board on March 26, 2010 at 11:47pm — 2 Comments

Late Night Autographs -- Letterman, Conan, Aniston

I was catching up on the TMZs I had recorded on my DVR, and I saw that Jennifer Aniston was signing lots and lots of autographs before going into Lettermans show. This has become a place where lots of people now go to wait for the celebs.

I was in New York and saw hundreds waiting to meet Will Smith (he only signed a couple before going in).

It's smart of them to sign, because the cameras are watching. Aniston was signing photos, DVDs, and any item put in front…


Added by Josh Board on March 18, 2010 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Corey Haim Autographs

I was interviewed on a radio station last night talking about the death of Corey Haim. The subject went into childhood actors, and I mentioned the VH1 list of 100 Greatest Childhood Stars, and Corey was #26. The list is a compilation of a lot of trainwrecks -- either dead or drug problems, etc.

Anyway, I just now thought about the time the cast of Lost Boys (about 6 months ago), came to town to sign autographs. It wasn't Corey Feldman and Keifer Sutherland, or even Jason…


Added by Josh Board on March 11, 2010 at 5:03pm — 3 Comments

Helen Mirren Rips an Autographed Photo Up and Guess What Sold for $4,500

I couldn't believe when I was switching channels, and caught the end of The O'Reily Factor, hearing that he sold an autographed poster from him and Glenn Beck, for $4,500. Wow. Seriously, that's probably worth 45 cents. And, I'm not just saying that because I don't agree with their politics.

On TMZ, the show to watch for autograph thingies...the gorgeous Helen Mirren, who was nominated for The Last Station (her performance was great, the movie just average). She was signing…


Added by Josh Board on March 10, 2010 at 2:09am — 1 Comment

Muhammid Ali & Tim Tebow...Who Charges More?

Living in San Diego, I hear more Padres news than I care to. But out in Peoria, Arizona for the pre-season, the Padres were greeted by boxing legend Muhammad Ali. Tony Gwynn Jr, who has met some big names, seemed thrilled, saying "It's the first time I've ever been star-struck."

Only a few players got autographs of the living legend.

Across the U.S. in Jacksonville, Florida, Tim Tebow, who created a bit of controversy with his Super Bowl commercial, isn't even expected to go…


Added by Josh Board on March 9, 2010 at 3:27pm — 3 Comments

Oscars and Autographs

Well, the Oscars were given out. And, very few autographs at the big event.

At least, that's what is usually the case.

It was nice to see George Clooney running up and down the chain-link fence and shaking hands and signing a few autographs (he had a Sharpie in his hand).

There were a few other autograph related stories regarding the Oscars, but they completely slip my mind now. Can anyone else add anything?

Added by Josh Board on March 9, 2010 at 3:18pm — No Comments

David Letterman Signs an Autograph That Will be Gone Soon

I'm not a big fan of Leno. Well, he is great about signing autographs. I just don't think he's got great comedic instincts.

On his first day back behind the Tonight Show desk (and a funny bit he did in which they look for a new desk by going door to door), he actually had a funny show.

Jamie Fox opened a bottle of champage and handed it to a woman in the audience.

Over on Letterman, his friend Bill Murray game out with crutches. He joked about a…


Added by Josh Board on March 2, 2010 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Cop Out -- The Memorabilia Movie Out Now!

Okay, okay. It's really a parody of the buddy-cop movies of the 80s. And, it's a nice pairing to have the very funny Tracy Morgan, and Bruce Willis, the man who's played a cop in over 100 movies (or so it seems).

It was okay. It had enough laughs that I didn't mind seeing it. It could've been so much better, though.

Anyway, the cool thing is that to pay for his daughters wedding, Willis is going to sell a 1952 Topps baseball card of Brooklyn Dodger Andy Pofko.…


Added by Josh Board on March 1, 2010 at 4:41pm — 3 Comments

OK GO and Modern Family Autograph Stories

Modern Family is one of the new shows that's actually pretty good.

On tonights episode, one of the kids reads their siblings diary. A fight insues and one sister ruins the other sisters autographed poster of Maya Angelou, which she said she cherished more than anything in the world. She also mentions how long she had to stand in line to get it signed.

We can all feel your pain.

In my latest issue of SPIN MAGAZINE, they did a quick interview with…


Added by Josh Board on February 24, 2010 at 10:29pm — No Comments

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's...a million dollars!

One of the readers here, Bob, emailed me asking if I heard about a Superman comic book that sold for a million bucks.

Having collected basketball cards as a kid, I remember thinking how crazy it was when a Honus Wagner baseball card would sell for that amount. Heck, a Bill Russell rookie card I bought for $45, was once deemed the most valuable basketball card at over a thousand bucks. For some reason, that number dropped significantly years ago.

Any collectable…


Added by Josh Board on February 23, 2010 at 5:33pm — 3 Comments

Charlie Sheen, Chris Brown...and it's Dom Monaghan that gets violent with autograph collector!

On TMZ Monday night, they showed Charlie Sheen leaving his fathers place in Los Angeles. He signed lots of autographs, and took photos with every fan that wanted one. Nobody asked him about his recent court case, and I'm guessing, he was on his best behavior with the fans as a PR move. But hey -- if more autograph collectors can score this way, cool.

Musician Chris Brown, best known for beating the tar out of Rhianna, was seen leaving a place and taking photos with fans. When…


Added by Josh Board on February 23, 2010 at 1:49am — No Comments

Leonardo DiCaprio Signs Autographs

On TMZ, a few different times this week, I've seen him signing autographs outside of various clubs and TV shows.

I swear, that show is the best for seeing celebs and what their signing habits are.

The staff of TMZ said he doesn't usually sign, let alone talk, but with Shutter Island coming out tonight, he's doing the smart PR thing.

Added by Josh Board on February 19, 2010 at 10:22pm — 3 Comments

Trading Memorabilia for a House

About 30 miles north of San Diego, a woman was making national news for placing an ad for a husband. She was in her late 40s and losing her health insurance. A medical condition meant $3,000 in pills each month.

Don't feel too bad for her. She had thousands of proposals and will probably work this all out just fine.

Now comes a guy in San Diego that wants to exchange his baseball cards and other sports memorabilia, for a house. He put on ad on Craigslist, and…


Added by Josh Board on February 11, 2010 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

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