Josh Board's Blog (611)

Meeting a Star When You're in the Cheap Seats

The funniest story that involves Ashton Kutcher I heard around lunch time. The show Two and a Half Men is coming back for it’s 11th season, but they aren’t bringing back 19-year-old Angus T. Jones. For those that aren’t familiar with the show, he’s the “Half” in Two and a Half Men.

Some may remember he recently had a YouTube rant in which he talked about his Christianity, and encouraged viewers not to watch the crap that was on that show. So this move…


Added by Josh Board on April 28, 2013 at 11:38pm — 3 Comments

Beach Boys Blowout -- Perhaps the best band collection ever

You’ll have fun, fun, fun, until the bidding gets too far away!

Here’s the deal. In a Florida storage until there sat a Beach Boys bonanza for years. The storage company finally sold it (think Storage Wars). That’s what happens when payments aren’t made.

The buyer opened boxes and discovered these lost archives of Beach Boys material. The collection doesn’t have some cheesy 8x10 signed by Mike Love and Brian Wilson. Oh, it’s better than that. It has thousands of…


Added by Josh Board on April 22, 2013 at 10:22pm — 6 Comments

What does Princess Di dancing with Travolta have in common with Jennifer Lawrence?

It’s always a lot of fun to read about the collectables that come up in various auctions. Sometimes it’s hard to wrap our minds around the prices these things sell for. For example, we just came off the topic of the Beatles signed Sgt. Pepper album selling for well over $200,000…and now something sells for $231,000 at Julien’s Auctions in Los Angeles recently. And what was the item? A phaser gun Captain Kirk used from the second pilot of Star Trek in the ‘60s. They…


Added by Josh Board on April 14, 2013 at 12:13am — No Comments

Late Night Autograph Stories -- Keith Richards and Matthew Perry

The late night shows had a few good autograph stories. Tonight on Conan O’Brien, Friends actor Matthew Perry was talking about being shown at a hockey game and booed by the entire crowd. Later, a bunch of people surrounded him asking for autographs. He said “You guys booed me earlier.” He said that all of them said “Not me, I didn’t boo.”

The night before, Jimmy Fallon had Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Fallon was telling a story about how they talked about lemons and other…


Added by Josh Board on April 10, 2013 at 12:07am — 1 Comment

Lennon Letter -- An Auction with Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon Letters

So what are the latest cool items popping up in auction? Well, a foot long, nearly 9 inch in diameter egg. Perfect present for Easter, if it weren’t expected to fetch $45,000 at Christie’s auction house in London. You won’t want to color it in pastels either. It’s a massive fossilized egg that was laid on the island of Madagascar by the extinct elephant bird (imagine one of those messing up your windshield).

These birds resembled ostriches and could grow up to 11 feet high,…


Added by Josh Board on March 29, 2013 at 11:16pm — No Comments

Your Honor...I just have one more question for the defendant: "Can I have your autograph?"

I didn’t think it was possible for me to do another blog about Jodi Arias, but here it goes. Since the last time I talked about people buying her paintings of famous people (Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe), now it’s time to give some love to the other side – prosecutor Juan Martinez.

All over CNN and Headline News today, I kept hearing this story. Perhaps they’ve grown tired of playing the same clips over and over again. Anyway, the story was about how outside Maricopa…


Added by Josh Board on March 28, 2013 at 6:13pm — 2 Comments

The Beatles -- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Autographed Album

I didn't post a picture, because, well...we all know what that beautiful gatefold looks like when it's opened up to show the Fab Four. But wait, it gets better! This signed album has all of The Beatles signing in the yellow section, not over their black hair. That means they're all very legible. They all signed by their respective heads (not that that matters), and best of all...John Lennon and Paul McCartney, the ones sitting closest to the middle section that folds, don't sign over that…


Added by Josh Board on March 23, 2013 at 9:10pm — 38 Comments

Ryan Gosling's Jacket -- You Can Own It!

Some autograph collectors only want signed memorabilia. There’s nothing wrong with 8x10s signed by your favorite actor, but they’re a dime a dozen. You can go into Pink’s and buy a hot dog, and looking at a wall full of signed pictures.


A script signed by your favorite TV show, or cast members of a movie you like, is a lot more interesting. To me, a step above…


Added by Josh Board on March 22, 2013 at 5:09pm — 3 Comments

Put on a Happy Face -- Autographs With Drawings

Recently on this site, a woman posted an autograph she got from Paul McCartney with a smiley face drawn on it. She needed to sell it, and we got the most commonly asked question we get  – “Is this autograph authentic?”

The amount of people that go buy some garbage on eBay and only find out later it’s bogus, baffles the mind. Yet it really shouldn’t. I’m guessing 90% of all autograph collectors have been burned at some point. It could’ve been on eBay, or a shop you trusted, an estate…


Added by Josh Board on March 15, 2013 at 4:51pm — 4 Comments

Presidential Pieces -- What would you pay for JFK?

You know what I love about presidential memorabilia? When there are stories about it being released or auctioned, they’re fun to read. It’s a part of history. And it’s the thing I care least about collecting, so I don’t worry about any of the auctions (it also helps that it’s usually out of my price range.

Recently in Austin, Texas, an entire collection of 100 love letters written between Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird, during their three month courtship in 1934, were made available to…


Added by Josh Board on March 9, 2013 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Stuck in the Middle With You -- Autographs with Modern Family, Justin TImberlake, and Dustin Hoffman

I had a doctor friend in San Diego call me once and say “Dustin Hoffman just showed up. He’s here visiting his brother who is in the hospital. If you want his autograph, hurry up and get here.”

I grabbed my Graduate album soundtrack and headed over. I pulled into the parking lot before I said to myself – what are you doing? This guys brother could be dying, and I’m gonna show up with an album for him to sign? I turned around and left.

Here’s how…


Added by Josh Board on March 5, 2013 at 2:47am — 2 Comments

Incredible Baseball Items Up for Auction

On my quest to bring you autograph collectors the latest news, I came across something that struck me as incredibly bizarre this morning. That’s because I merely read the first line. Now, living in San Diego and having Steve Garvey be a hero for a homerun that helped get the Padres into the World Series – any news about him is big. Yet I read the story as: Former Dodger and Padres slugger Steve Garvey is battling prostate cancer. The 10-time All Star and 1974 MVP, had his prostate…


Added by Josh Board on February 23, 2013 at 2:19pm — No Comments

John Lennon Killer Back in the News -- Letters for sale

It seems like just the other day we were discussing people that collect autographs from people like Hitler. Now comes this disturbing story – letters from Mark David Chapmen are on the block. I love the fact that most people don’t know his name, because it’s one thing journalists always struggle with when it comes to people that kill or shoot famous folks. If you print their names when writing about them, it gives them that infamy they were possibly seeking. I just didn’t know how to tell…


Added by Josh Board on February 20, 2013 at 2:04am — 4 Comments

A Politician Not Buying Votes -- But Memorabilia (or Are You an Autograph Addict?)

I never liked Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., the representative from Illinois. It’s not because of his politics, but his dad. It amazes me that anybody even gives that guy air time. But I digress.

Jesse Jackson, Jr. recently resigned from Congress, claiming to be treated for Bipolar disorder. It now turns out Mr. Jackson may have also had an addiction. It’s an addiction that many of you on this website also suffer from. That, of an autograph and memorabilia collector!

What are the…


Added by Josh Board on February 16, 2013 at 12:25am — 4 Comments

Baseball and Basketball Players -- Get a Signed Photo and Personalized voice message!

I saw a story in the newspaper Sunday about a company called It was about autographs going “digital.”

This company lets fans of NBA or MLB teams get a player to sign a picture electronically and have it sent to your computer (I have no clue if they’ll ever get NFL players).

Now the first thing I thought about was a company that released baseball cards a few years back that were merely a computer chip. You put it into your computer and the card showed up on…


Added by Josh Board on February 12, 2013 at 12:42am — 8 Comments

Naked Lunch -- Buying Autographs, and Photos of Lady Di and a naked Jim Morrison

When you are a hardcore autograph collector and you’ve purchased autographs (come on, we all have), there’s one thing we sometimes do. We look at the price of things we buy in everyday life and think of what autograph item would could get for the same price.

You’re buying a new car for $28,000…okay, perfect. But…the same model that’s two years old, has low miles…is only $18,000. Saving $10,000…I could buy that signed Beatles program I saw on that auction website last week.



Added by Josh Board on February 9, 2013 at 12:18pm — 6 Comments

Jodi Arias Autographs and Drawings

There’s always lots of controversy when people buy paintings and autographs from convicts. Yet, we know there’s a big market for them in the collectable world.

Occasionally, we see the Hitler painting pop up at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. And Charles Manson is still doing crude drawings and signing lots of autographs through the mail from his prison sell in Northern California.

Well you can add another to the list – Jodi Arias. For those that haven’t seen…


Added by Josh Board on February 1, 2013 at 8:49am — 3 Comments

Broken City Autographs -- Is it Wright or Wrong?

The movie Broken City opens tonight. I’m guessing it’ll be huge. It’s got Mark Wahlberg for the ladies. Russell Crowe for the mature ladies. And best of all – no singing from Mr. Crowe. He does attempt a New York accent with mixed results.

(for my complete movie review, go here: )

Well, I was reading the paper and had the TV on…


Added by Josh Board on January 18, 2013 at 6:49pm — No Comments

Signed Dollar Bills -- and the Curious Case of Jacob Lew

I’ve never understood people that get a dollar bill signed. Imagine you see Donnie Most. You scream to your wife “That’s the dude that played Ralph Malph on Happy Days!”

You’re searching your wallet for something to have him autograph, only to see those crispy, green pieces of paper in the wallet. You have him sign a dollar bill, tell him you loved him on Happy Days. He smiles, thanks you, and then you ask “What are you doing now?”

He frowns.

You walk away…


Added by Josh Board on January 12, 2013 at 5:58pm — No Comments

The TommyRokers -- What Al Roker and Stephen King have in common

Everyone from late night talk shows to folks around the water cooler, are talking about the Al Roker interview on Dateline. He was talking about his surgery and weight loss, promoting his book My Weight Loss Journey. Apparently, after having gastric bypass surgery, this was a side effect. He mentioned being in the White House and he crapped his pants. Reporter Nancy Snyderman snidely asked for clarification, saying “You pooped your pants?”

To which Roker replied, “Yes, I…


Added by Josh Board on January 8, 2013 at 11:54pm — 2 Comments

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