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Josh Board's Blog (611)

This Song's For You (from Jason Mraz)

One of the most underrated songwriters ever, is named Stew. He used to be in this little indie band out of L.A. called The Negro Problem. The band sounded a little to pyschedlic sometimes, but on his solo records, Stew wrote some of the best songs in music history.

He's living in Berlin now, after the success of his Broadway play Passing Strange (which was filmed by Spike Lee).

Anyway, he used to do something on his website where you could hire him to write and…


Added by Josh Board on February 10, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Troy Aikman DOES NOT sign footballs

So, my girlfriend was in a store getting a new cell phone. I'm not even sure I should call it a cell phone. It's an "i" something or other. It's basically a computer, camera, and about 20 other things all of which are attached to the cell phone.

Anyone else remember when phones were stuck on a wall at the house, and you had to dial phone numbers and wait for the round thing to come all the way around before dialing the next number? It made you hate phone numbers with 8 and 9 in them.… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 31, 2010 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

Tiger Woods Autographed Jacket

So, in Torrey Pines here in San Diego, the big golf tournament is attracting lots of attention. Mostly because, it's the first time Tiger Woods hasn't played in it. And also, Phil Mickelson, considered the best golfer behind Tiger, is a local San Diego boy.

There have been pictures of him signing hats, shirts, photos, and golf balls.

But this story caught my eye.

They were going to auction off a windbreaker autographed by Tiger Woods. The starting bid was… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 30, 2010 at 11:07pm — 2 Comments

Steven Tyler in Home Depot !!!

The few autograph things of the day I found interesting.

The Lakers were visiting President Obama in the White House. This is one of the perks you get for winning a sports championship.

The craziest photo was seeing one of the dopey Kardashian girls getting to shake hands with the Prez. Oh, the perks of being a reality show idiot, but marrying a Laker (poor Lamar Odom).

One of the usual photos had the President holding a Lakers jersey with his name on the back.… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 27, 2010 at 1:12am — No Comments

Jimmy Fallon tells an AUTOGRAPH joke

I'm not a big fan of Fallon, but he has a few things that work. One of his bits is when a joke bombs (was anyone better than Carson? he'd hit the microphone to make sure it was on, or he'd look to the side with that weird facial expression...)

Well, Fallon takes the cue card with the joke on it, and gives it to an audience member. I have to assume that some of the audience members that have received these, get them autographed later. I know I'd try to do that.

Anyway, his joke… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 26, 2010 at 12:47am — No Comments

Harrison Ford talks AUTOGRAPHS with David Letterman

All the late night fighting has really gotten interesting. Although, I find I'm watching Conan and missing some of Letterman because of it (after all, Conan only has another show to go before it's all over).

Well, I tuned in to Letterman during a commercial on The Tonight Show, and Dave was telling Harrison Ford how nice it was to sign autographs for the fans waiting to get into the show. Ford had an uncomfortable look on his face (but really, when doesn't he?) He then said, after a… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 22, 2010 at 1:15am — 13 Comments

Crazy Heart and Jay Leno AUTOGRAPH stuff

Jeff Bridges will definitely get the Oscar nomination for playing the drunken country singer Bad Blake in Crazy Heart. He's flat out amazing. It'll be his 5th nomination, and I'm hoping he wins for this.

Anyway, his character is relegated to playing dive bars and bowling alleys, while his young protege (played by Colin Farell, who my girlfriend thought looked like a country version of George Michaels), is playing the huge stadiums.

When they meet up for the first time in a… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 20, 2010 at 10:44pm — 1 Comment

Gerard Butler Lawsuit

I don't know the details of this story. I just heard it mentioned the other day on the news.

I guess I could Google and find out easily enough. But ya know what? I didn't want to do that. Not because I'm lazy (well, okay...that's part of it). The reason is, I'm afraid I'll be so angry after reading the details.

You see, he settled with one of those annoying paparazzi photographers. You know, like the one that Lindsay Lohen just hit with her car, and will probably also get… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 15, 2010 at 12:26am — 1 Comment


I just heard that a man with a stolen Monet has been caught. Good ol' fingerprints.

He cut it from a frame a museum 10 years ago, and replaced it with a painting done on cardboard. That sounds so absolutely bizarre, I'd just love to see the replacement. Did it look similar to the Monet? Or was it just a big yellow smiley face or something?

This reminds me of a story I heard in LA a week ago, and all autograph collectors that have purchased bogus signatures can… Continue

Added by Josh Board on January 13, 2010 at 10:05am — 3 Comments

Expensive Auction Items

A friend sent me a link to this today. I assumed the high end auction items would be airplanes, rare cars, and maybe a Picasso or two. It was a lot more diverse. And, since they are "collectables", thought I'd slap the link on here.



Added by Josh Board on January 3, 2010 at 12:59pm — 2 Comments

Van Gogh, Edgar Allan Poe, and Michael Jacksons Nose

Hey, it rhymed! And I'm never going to grow tired of Michael Jackson nose jokes.

Lots of collectable stuff in the news lately.

In Rome, police seized works by Van Gogh, Picasso, Cezanne and other big name artists, in a crackdown on assests that were hidden by a disgraced founder of a dairy company called Parmalat.

There were about 20 masterpieces stashed away in attics and basements in various apartments. They're valued about $150 million.

Wiretapping… Continue

Added by Josh Board on December 6, 2009 at 4:13pm — No Comments

George Clooney and Wayne Gretzky Signing on TV

I just caught up on a weeks worth of TMZs on my Tivo. I swear, I hate so much of what that show does. In one segment, they got James Belushi made by continuing to make fun of the basket on his moped. And, when celebrities get bothered by people with cameras, that often translates to people asking for autographs, getting stiffed by them.

But George Clooney, as always, was signing up a storm. At one point he said "I thought the Batman picture I signed last time would be the last time I… Continue

Added by Josh Board on December 5, 2009 at 3:42pm — 2 Comments

More Michael Jackson...

I just saw the tail end of this. Probably because the news shows were all focused on the Tiger tail.

(I heard the reason he was out so late the night of the Escalade crash -- he and his wife were out clubbing)

C'mon. That was good.

I'm here all week, folks. Try the linguini.

Anywhooo...this big, heavy set African-American, was trying to sell a black surgical mask that belonged to Michael Jackson. He told the British reporter (who I believe worked for… Continue

Added by Josh Board on December 3, 2009 at 9:20am — No Comments

Precious and Anderson Cooper

I'm watching a TMZ from a week ago, and I saw Anderson Cooper signing autographs. It's always amazing to see newscasters being swarmed for autographs. If I had a run in with a legend like Dan Rather or Walter Cronkite, unless I could think of something clever to have him personalize...otherwise, I wouldn't bother.

I saw the movie Precious tonight. It goes down as one of the worst titles in movie history (even surpassing "Ice Station Zebra"). The full title is something like:… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 29, 2009 at 2:01am — 2 Comments

The Food Dude and Jay Leno Discuss Autographs

On TV tonight, someone named "Guy" something or other (my girlfriend just yelled from the othe room "he's the guy they call 'the food dude'.")

He was doing the 10 at 10 questions, and I didn't hear the question. But he said his car had broken down once and he was on the side of the road. A bunch of young guys pulled over, and he thought they were going to help him. Instead, they just asked for autographs and left.

He also talked about two older women that were sitting in a… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 28, 2009 at 12:29am — No Comments

Black Friday -- The Perfect Gift for the Collector in Your Family

No, I didn't spend Black Friday shopping for autographs and memorabilia. I slept in. I woke up 30 minutes ago, and ate some leftovers. Ahhhhh....life is good.

But I saw this collectable that I couldn't pass up on blogging about.

The Navy plans to give away the retired aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy. Yes, you heard correctly. "Give away".

Sure, a Kennedy signature (no matter how sloppy and hard to read he always made it), would be a nice stocking stuffer. But… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 27, 2009 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Baseball Hall of Fame Autographs -- For the low, low price of $2,229

There's a 20-DVD set of World Series films that you can buy for over two grand. The perfect stocking stuffer if you're related to Ken Burns!

A limited edition run of 100 sets was put together by Major League Baseball Productions, A&E, and Mounted Memories. And, this will contain 65 films from 1943 to 2008. That's 50 hours of baseball watching fun! (I wrote that sarcastically, not sure if you could tell)

There are also authenticated autographs of 12 Hall of Famers,… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 25, 2009 at 6:55pm — No Comments

Sarah Signs -- Palin doing the book tour thing

I just saw Sarah Palin on Entertainment Tonight. Mary Hart asked her, as fans were waiting to meet her, if she ever waited in line to meet someone.

Palin seemed excited as she said she had.

And my mind went reelin'. Who could she have waited to meet? Nancy Reagan? Maybe Audrey Hepburn or Gloria Steinem. Oh, the possibilities were endless.

Nope. Nobody all that interesting. It was Ivana Trump. Palin said she was at a department store with a new… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 24, 2009 at 7:13pm — 2 Comments

Michael Jackson vs. Galileo

Are you confused by the title? Good.

I could probably make some joke about Michael Jacksons nose, before talking about Galileo's tooth and finger. But I've done so much of that recently.

By now you heard Michael Jacksons glove went for $450,000 in auction. Here are a few of the prices realized by some other items.

Johnny Cash Wilkanowski & Sons Airway “Fiddle” Guitar $37,500

Elvis Presley Jacket from “Speedway” $20,480

Bo Diddley “Trademark” hat… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 23, 2009 at 5:50pm — No Comments

Weirdest Ryan O'Neal Signed Photo Ever!

So, we all know that Ryan O'Neal was at Farrahs bedside as she died. They've always had an on again/off again relationship, and at the time, I thought it was great that he stepped up in her time of need.

Then he admits to trying to pick up on his daughter at the funeral. He didn't recognize her.

Then, Farrah doesn't leave him anything in the will. But leaves $100,000 to a lover she had, that Ryan kept away during her final days (someone with the last name Lott, but not… Continue

Added by Josh Board on November 21, 2009 at 3:42am — 2 Comments

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