Josh Board's Blog (611)

Missed Opportunities -- The Autographs That Slipped Through My Fingers

We all have those stories about the person we approached for an autograph and got turned down. I thought I'd do a slightly different blog on this. It's the autographs I didn't get, because of something that was my own fault. They'll be in a random order, of how they come to me.
While working in radio in the early '90s, Pete Townshend was coming to La Jolla, only 15 minutes from my radio station, to work on what would be the live version of Tommy. I got press credentials and was…

Added by Josh Board on January 28, 2016 at 11:24pm — 25 Comments

Award Show Autographs

There's one big problem with having a job in media and being somebody that is into autographs. It's the fact that, if you're at an event or interviewing a celebrity, you lose credibility if you ask for an autograph. It just looks unprofessional. Now, the years…

Added by Josh Board on January 21, 2016 at 12:49am — 9 Comments

The Dead Weather -- Thoughts on Jack White during the rain storms in California

I've talked before about my love of Jack White and The White Stripes. They were an amazing band. And since I was a fan in the early days when they played smaller clubs, I got lots and lots of stuff signed. Even as they got bigger, I'd buy the current CD and get them to sign it before and after shows (of course, the crowds of fans got bigger and it was a little…

Added by Josh Board on January 5, 2016 at 11:21pm — 12 Comments

Johnny Depp -- A Class Act (but overpaid)

I have been having computer problems, and found this old blog that didn't post. So, here it is. Perfect timing, with reports coming out that Johnny Depp is the most overpaid actor (his last few movies making a lot less than he is paid).…


Added by Josh Board on January 1, 2016 at 10:11pm — 1 Comment

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- The Cheap Trick Edition

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced their entries the other day. I've always had problems with that organization. How can they not have Yes, Jethro Tull, or any band Paul Rodgers (Bad Company, Free) has been a part of? Oh, and The Cars. What an amazing group. They have three albums that didn't have a single bad song on them (self-titled…

Added by Josh Board on January 1, 2016 at 3:00pm — 16 Comments

Sports Shortz -- The Shoe Edition (Kobe Bryant, Johnny Manziel)

I remember being on the basketball team in 8th grade, when a player on our team told us his dad bought him a pair of $100 Air Jordan sneakers. It blew me away, especially since they were an ugly red and black high-top. I was happy with my $18 Nikes (on sale at Big Five). As a basketball player my entire life, I've never understood the fascination with shoes. Now, I remember…

Added by Josh Board on December 17, 2015 at 5:17pm — 5 Comments

Car Collectables -- The Batmobile Edition

I'm friends with a guy that used to be Jay Leno's mechanic. We all know Leno has an insane car collection, and so does this mechanic. One of his cars is a silver and black Jaguar that Cary Grant owned.

When I went to a party at director James Cameron's place in Malibu -- I had autographs on the mind. Not only did I bring a few DVDs for him to sign (I waited until we had…


Added by Josh Board on November 30, 2015 at 8:26am — 5 Comments

TMZ Cameraman Gets Cool Item from Jon Voight

The show is just a lot of fun. I hate to admit that, because it goes down paths I don't always like. For example, remember how much we all made fun of the National Enquirer back in the day? 

Also, people with cameras (video and digital), often make it harder for the autograph collector. Celebs don't want to stop and being asked tabloid questions, or get filmed if they don't look their best, or whatever.

A lot of times on TMZ though, you'll see the stars stopping to sign…


Added by Josh Board on November 6, 2015 at 9:05pm — 1 Comment

Autograph Thefts: The Star Wars Edition

Since I’ve collected lots of things over the years, I’ve always feared theft. For some reason, I’ve never had that concern regarding my autograph collection. Most of them are stored in boxes, and I doubted anybody would find them or if they did...would care about a bunch of hard-to-read scribbles on index or business cards.

When I…


Added by Josh Board on October 27, 2015 at 10:00pm — 9 Comments

Autographs in Recent Movies

Usually I have more interesting things to report from the movies I review, and various autograph scenes. Here are the recent ones.

In the kids movie "Jem and the Holograms" which is based on an '80s cartoon I wasn't even familiar with, a teen girl puts a song on the internet, and becomes a huge success. She's signed to a big label and plays big concerts. So, that means…


Added by Josh Board on October 24, 2015 at 12:04am — No Comments

Another Celebrity Car -- The James Dean Edition

I remember 10 years ago going into the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and looking at the various things on their walls. I was shocked to see they had part of the plane that killed R&B legend Otis Redding. It seemed in bad taste; although, if somebody gave me part of the plane, I wouldn’t refuse it.

Since I’ve been on this kick about celebrity cars…


Added by Josh Board on October 2, 2015 at 11:57pm — 6 Comments

More Famous Cars -- the Jack Kevorkian Edition

Since I recently wrote about the automobiles of Keith Richards, Ringo Starr, and John Lennon…thought we’d delve into the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of the guys that gave birth to classic rock…the vehicle of the man who killed many. Literally.

Remember suicide doctor Jack Kevorkian? Well, he had a 1968 Volkswagen van that was sold for $150 in the mid-90s. It…


Added by Josh Board on September 27, 2015 at 10:48pm — No Comments

Autographs on Late Shows -- Stephen Colbert with Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel with James Taylor

A few of the late night shows have had autograph things lately, so I thought I’d write about them.

Stephen Colbert, the newest guy to take over on a late night show (The Late Show, formerly with Letterman), had Donald Trump as a guest. Colbert, who dropped his Republican wind-bag character he created for The Colbert Report (a much funnier show), is now doing…


Added by Josh Board on September 24, 2015 at 9:59am — No Comments

Presidential Autographs and Handwriting Analysis

When Autograph Magazine could be found in newsstands everywhere, I enjoyed writing columns and stories for the publication. I still love writing the blogs.

Steve Cyrkin brought in a lot of interesting people to write for the magazine, but one person bugged me. Not on a personal level, but what it was she wrote about. It was handwriting analysis.

Now, as somebody that loves autographs – it’s something I should’ve really dug.…


Added by Josh Board on September 21, 2015 at 9:37pm — 4 Comments

The Beatles vs The Stones -- Well, Ringo vs Richards with Auction Items

I’ve never understood the fascination with famous folks cars that go for sale. Sure, the John Lennon, psychedelic 1965 Rolls Royce was sweet. I would buy it if I had the means (I said that in my best Ferris Bueller voice).

Another 1965 car, a blue Bentley, was once owned by Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. He mentions the “acid-fueled journeys” in it in his…


Added by Josh Board on September 17, 2015 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

Another NBA Center Dies: Josh Board Meeting the Chairman of the Boards -- Moses Malone

It seems like just yesterday I was writing about Philadelphia 76ers center Darryl Dawkins death. Now comes news that Sixers Hall of Fame center Moses Malone has passed away at the age of 60.

These Philly centers are dying too young. One of my all-time favorite players, Wilt Chamberlain (Yeah, yeah, he’s more known for being a Laker), also passed…


Added by Josh Board on September 13, 2015 at 11:41pm — 1 Comment

The Death of One of my Heroes (this story contains: cursing, nudity, glass shattering, and of course...autographs)

When a newscaster I worked with passed away and I found out he liked Billy Joel, I changed the lyrics from Piano Man to “Anchorman.”

Another classy, wonderful human was taken from us too soon…and I’m back to thinking about Billy Joel lyrics.

Basketball legend Darryl Dawkins had a heart attack at 58, in his hometown of Allentown, Pennsylvania. I immediately…


Added by Josh Board on August 29, 2015 at 10:21pm — 4 Comments

Misspelled Inscriptions -- I Don't Wanna Work, I Want Autographed Drumheads All Day!

I was talking to an old DJ I once worked with in the ‘90s. Rock and Roll Peg was not only the highest rated DJ in San Diego, she was a sweetheart. She knew I liked collecting autographs, and as the newest and youngest guy at the station, she was often hooking me up.

She interviewed the band Living Colour – got me a signed CD. Backstage at Joe Walsh, she got me a personalized signature. The amount of times she got things signed for me was endless.

I recently told…


Added by Josh Board on August 27, 2015 at 12:29am — 5 Comments

Elvis Presley/Bill Anderson Stories

As a hardcore racquetball player, and lover of music memorabilia, I was interested in the item that recently sold at an Elvis Presley auction. It was a red, white, and blue shirt Elvis wore when he played racquetball. Many don’t realize he was a huge racquetball fan, and even had courts installed in Graceland (they now serve as the “trophy room”). There was even a time he…


Added by Josh Board on August 18, 2015 at 9:59am — 3 Comments

Star Wars...Nothing But Star Wars...(channeling Bill Murray)

The last few years I’ve skipped the popular Comic Con, which is held right in my backyard of San Diego. The event is rather crowded and I just feel like I’ve seen it all at this point.

Each previous year I’ve gone, though…it’s autograph moments that I have the most fun with. Running into somebody like Stan Lee, Matt Groening, or author Ray Bradbury – all of them good…


Added by Josh Board on August 4, 2015 at 10:40am — 4 Comments

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